'The built-in PDF function (File> Save As> PDF) in Mac Word 2016 does not offer any options to export only specific pages. Thanks for your info! Sorry for the late reply! If my reply has helped, mark accordingly - Helpful or Answer Phillip M. The questions, discussions, opinions, replies & answers I create, are solely mine and mine alone and do not reflect upon my position as a Community Moderator. Personal opinion, I would use the save as PDF method that Bob described even with the disadvantage And then use an Application such as Acrobat, or PDFpen Pro to trim off the unwanted pages. But it too has the issue that Bob points out. With, 2016 Microsoft got tired of being blamed for no hot links in PDF converted from Office Products. To add them, or you could open Apple Pages and save again in Office format, and they would be active. You can't create Clickable links you have to go in Acrobat or equivalent But you add the advantage that overcomes the defect creating PDFs, that has gone as far back as Office X (2000).
In the first option, you have the one limitation it's all or nothing.
Either way, the document is turned into a PDF, Save AS → Export options (PDF), or File → Print → PDF the Quality and layout should be the same. I agree with Bob both with his answer and his question.